With over 20 years’ speaking experience, Dr. O’Hara is a sought-out keynote speaker, workshop provider, and lecturer
About PANS, PANDAS, POTS, Lyme, Autism, and Parenting.
As seen in collaboration with:

Dr. O’Hara believes the root of being a doctor is being a teacher through research based insights and practices.
Every year as lecture season approaches, Dr. O’ Hara prepares by reading the latest research in PANS, PANDAS, BGE, Autism, Lyme disease, Lyme co-infections such as Bartonella and Babesia, and how COVID relates to PANS or PAIS.
Educating parent groups and practitioners of all kinds including but not limited to MDs, DO, NPs, NDs, RNs, and between therapists and schools. Dr. O’Hara’s passion is to empower other practitioners to treat the underlying root causes of neuropsychiatric, cognitive, or behavioral issues as it continues to be a complex and challenging issue. She believes in caring for the entire family, and providing the most up to date, comprehensive information to parents and practitioners.

“That was a record-breaking conference for TACA. Your talks have received excellent feedback and families were sharing how much they learned from you on Facebook and in personal emails to our coordinators. Also families found it extremely helpful that you were available for more questions at Coffee Talk night and on the Physician’s panel. I had one attendee use the phrase “life-changing” to describe the conference. You were a big part of that! You have made a big difference in these families' lives and we appreciate your hard work.”
- TACA conference coordinator
As a well connected leader in her industry, she’s shared the stage with Yehuda Shoenfeld, MD, Bob Naviaux, MD, PhD, Alessio Fasano, MD, Sidney Baker, MD, David Brady, ND, DC, CCN, DACBN, Richard Horowitz, MD, Matt Cook, MD, Elisa Song, MD, Tom Moorcroft, DO, Jill Crista, ND, James Greenblatt, MD, Tim Buie, MD, Sue Swedo, MD, David Perlmutter, MD, Suzanne Goh, MD, Stephen Porges, PhD, Amy Rothenberg, ND, Amy Myers, MD, Jill Carnahan, MD, Ken Bock, MD, Samuel Shor, MD, Bob Bransfield, MD, B. Robert Mozayeni, MD. Shannon Delaney, MD, Darin Ingels, ND, Myriah Hinchey, ND.

Signature keynotes to change the way we think, work, and practice.

1. POTS and PANS: Understanding the complex disease using a multi-system approach.
For all practitioners and/or families, they will walk away with the insights to:
- Understand PANS, Pediatric Abrupt-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome, as an autoimmune disease where the dysregulated immune response to infectious or metabolic triggers, such as viruses, mycoplasma, Lyme, mold and more, attacks the basal ganglia in the brain and results in movement, learning and behavioral problems.
- Understand POTS, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome, or Dysautonomia as it can often be associated with these autoimmune diseases and requires appropriate assessment and treatment.
- Know the research-based functional medicine approach to the care, diagnosis and treatment of children with these devastating but recoverable illnesses.
2. Demystifying PANDAS: A Functional Medicine Guide to Basal Ganglia Encephalitis.
For all practitioners, and/or families, they will walk away understanding of:
- Post-infectious Syndromes including Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders associated with Streptococcal Infections (PANDAS) and Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome (PANS) are autoimmune disorders that present with physiological, behavioral, and cognitive challenges.
- Abrupt onset of symptoms such as OCD, tics, anxiety, food restriction, bedtime fears, inability to control urination, aggression, deficits in learning, and social interaction are among the many manifestations that result from Basal Ganglia Encephalitis and impair the daily functioning and cognitive progress of affected children. These symptoms result from underlying infections including Strep, Viruses (including COVID), Mycoplasma, Tick-borne Illnesses, and other germs.
- Starting with a thorough clinical evaluation combined with a comprehensive integrative treatment approach focusing on antimicrobial, immune-modulating interventions, and symptomatic relief together with therapy can transform pediatric post-infectious syndromes into treatable conditions.
3. Is It Lyme? You Bet Your Rash and Other Signs and Symptoms of Lyme and Co-Infections
For all practitioners and/or families, they will learn about:
- Understanding Lyme disease and Co-infections, Borrelia, Bartonella, Babesia as complex autoimmune diseases that require a multi-system approach. The presentation of these diseases can be chronic, subacute or acute as with PANS (Pediatric Acute-Onset Neuropsychiatric Syndrome) and are among potential triggers for the immune dysregulation resulting in an abnormal autoimmune reaction and negative behavior, physical, and cognitive changes.
- Discerning the latest research-guided testing in the assessment of these devastating but recoverable illnesses including all the pearls from Dr. O’Hara’s 30 years of experience with the research-based functional medicine approach to the testing, diagnosis, and treatment of these children.
- Interpreting the most up-to-date, evidence based research in both functional and allopathic medicine as it pertains to tick-borne disease (TBD).
4. A Functional Medicine Guide to Autism: From A to Zinc
For all practitioners and/or families they will walk away with the understanding of:
- ASD is a whole-body disorder, not just a brain or behavioral disorder.
- The assessment and treatment of the gastrointestinal, nutritional, immunologic, metabolic, and environmental approaches to the care of our children with autism and other chronic illnesses.
- The research-based functional medicine approach to the diagnosis and care of these children.
5. The First 1000 Days: How to Raise a Healthy Child from Preconception To Toddler Years
For all practitioners and/or families, they will understand:
- The research-based evidence of how to optimize the health of mothers, and fathers, as well as the child during pregnancy and in the first few years of life.
- The research-based evidence that diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular health and autoimmune disorders may be prevented by focusing on the choices we make during these first 1000 days.
- The lifestyle, diet, and nutraceutical interventions to consider in the assessment and treatment of all those planning a family.
6. How To Set Up A Functional Medicine Practice, Dr. O'Hara will answer the questions:
- What are the medical, legal and other items I should consider in setting up a practice?
- Who are the other clinicians I should consider integrating with? Such as naturopaths, dieticians, health coaches, therapist, and others
- How do I set up the physical space with the best Feng Shui for success?
7. Learning Through Cases: A How To Guide to Treating a Multitude of Conditions Using history, physical exam and selected laboratory testing, Dr. O'Hara will guide you through the functional medicine care of children with
- MCMD/MCAS (Mast Cell Mediated Disorders)
- Alergic conditions and triggers such as EE (Eosinophlic Esophagitis)
- Diet, lifestyle and emotional issues to treat and prevent constipation
- Common Pediatric Illnesses such as URIs, ear infections and more
- Long COVID in Children
8. Spellers: Communication for 31 million nonverbal adults & children
- Learn more about the S2C (Spell 2 Communicate) Phenomenon and How to help those who can not speak for themselves
- Learn how to include this teaching in your practice
- Learn how to work with schools to get this program accepted into your school district

Dr. Nancy O’Hara is a board-certified pediatrician who specializes in treating PANS/PANDAS and other neurodevelopmental disorders. She is a leading trainer and mentor of clinicians in the US and globally, educating medical professionals to recognize, diagnose and treat PANS/PANDAS.
Dr. O’Hara graduated with highest honors from Bryn Mawr College, and as part of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Society from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. She earned her Master’s degree in Public Health from the University of Pittsburgh, and completed her residency, chief residency and general pediatric fellowship at the University of Pittsburgh.
Before she began her medical career, Dr. O’Hara taught children with autism. From 1993 to 1998 Dr O’Hara was a practicing general pediatrician and partner in a group practice. In 1999, she began her consultative, integrative practice for children with special needs, dedicating her practice to treating children with neurodevelopmental disorders, ADHD, PANS/PANDAS, OCD, Lyme, and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Dr. O’Hara has written a comprehensive guidebook, “Demystifying PANS / PANDAS: A Functional Medicine Desktop Reference on Basal Ganglia Encephalitis “which is available on Amazon.
Book Dr. O’Hara today!

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