Do you have a patient showing signs of PANS/PANDAS or Basal Ganglia Encephalitis?
Download the free PANS/PANDAS field guide.
My new book, Demystifying PANS/PANDAS: A functional medicine desktop reference on Basal Ganglia Encephalitis, is a comprehensive guide to recognizing, understanding and treating PANS, PANDAS and BGE.
Whether you are an MD, ND or DO, a nutritionist or dietitian, a registered nurse or nurse practitioner, a PA or DC, a therapist or psychologist or any medical professional with a complex patient, then this guidebook, membership program and mentoring service is for you. If you are a teacher with a student in need or a parent looking for answers, share this book and its accompanying program with a medical professional to obtain the necessary tools to help your child get better and start their journey and yours to restored health.
This version includes everything from the paperback, PLUS 5 brand new chapters covering: Bartonella, Babesia, COVID, Mold, and Folate Receptor Autoantibodies
PANS and PANDAS (also known as Basal Ganglia Encephalitis) are disorders of the immune system that occur in 1 in 200 children. The course is of abrupt onset and is often episodic or waxing and waning, and sometimes difficult to understand. My guidebook, membership and mentoring program helps medical professionals understand, diagnose and treat PANS, PANDAS and BGE.

Nancy Hofreuter O’Hara, MD, MPH, FAAP is a board-certified pediatrician who specializes in helping children and families heal from chronic illnesses, including PANS, PANDAS and BGE. She is a leading lecturer and mentor of clinicians, both in the United States and internationally, educating medical professionals to recognize, diagnose and treat this condition.
Our Blog

Helminth Therapy: A Possible Intervention for PANS/PANDAS
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PANDAS Syndrome: FAQs and Answers for Concerned Parents
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Ready to Learn: Strategies and Insight on How to Teach Children with Autism to Read
Reading Is Important for Every Child, but Autistic Children May Need Help to Grow in Their Learning. Here's How to Teach Children with Autism to Read.

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