Dr. O’Hara has extensive experience in treating children with PANS, PANDAS, Basal Ganglia Encephalitis, Autism Spectrum Disorders and Complex Chronic Illnesses, including Lyme, Migraines, Chronic Fatigue using gastrointestinal, nutritional,
immunologic, metabolic and environmental approaches. This is a program to educate other professionals who are interested in learning functional medicine approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of these patients; I acknowledge that this program is one of education and training and does not constitute a physician/practitioner relationship with any patients, families, or other practitioners.
The online education provided will build upon the principles of Integrative and
Functional Medicine and may include the discussion of therapeutic nutraceuticals,
herbals and medications that may be considered “off-label” or not approved by the Food and Drug Administration, Centers for Disease Control, and other professional medical or academic institutions. Participation in this online program does not create or imply any
doctor-patient relationship.
This program provides a good faith basis routed in science for the clinical safety & efficacy of the treatment strategies discussed. However, clinical application of any therapy depends on the clinical judgement of the provider making best
recommendations for the individual patient. This program is not responsible for making clinical judgements with regard to any particular patient and disclaims any warranties, expressed or implied, that our educational services will meet the patient’s needs or desires. Each participant in this program is responsible for making a reasonable effort to comply with the laws and regulations, both state and federal, when using any therapies
which may not be widely accepted by the standard medical community.
Any use of this material besides its stated educational intention, any dissemination,
distribution, copying or other use of this information is strictly prohibited.